I’m a Researcher at Tecgraf, working on the research group led by professor Alberto Raposo. Previously, I was in my second Postdoc at the Information Technology Department of PUC-Rio, supervised by Hélio Lopes. My first Postdoc was at IMPA, supervised by Luiz Velho. My research interests are mostly related with real-time Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Games, and Virtual Reality. My current focus is neural representations for real-time Computer Graphics, particularly Neural Implicit Representations. viniciuss –at– tecgraf –dot– puc-rio –dot– br |
Selected Publications
Novello, Silva, Schardong, Schirmer, Lopes, Velho, Neural Implicit Surface Evolution, ICCV 2023. |
Paz, Perazzo, Novello, Schardong, Schirmer, Silva, Yukimura, Chagas, Lopes, Velho, MR-Net: Multiresolution sinusoidal neural networks, Computers & Graphics. |
Schirmer, Novello, Silva, Schardong, Lopes, Velho, How to train your (neural) dragon, SIBGRAPI 2023. |
Mastra, Schirmer, Raposo, Silva, Virtual Reality Dance Tracks from Skeletal Animations, SVR 2023. |
Novello, Silva, Schardong, Schirmer, Lopes, Velho, Exploring Differential Geometry in Neural Implicits, Computers & Graphics. |
Paz, Novello, Silva, Schardong, Schirmer, Chagas, Lopes, Velho, Multiresolution Neural Networks for Imaging, Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 35. (SIBGRAPI). |
Novello, Silva, Velho, GPU Ray Tracing in Non-Euclidean Spaces, Synthesis Lectures on Visual Computing, Morgan & Claypool Publishers. |
Silva, Novello, Lopes, Velho, Real-time Rendering of Complex Fractals, Ray Tracing Gems 2, Apress. |
Silva, Velho, Ray-VR: Ray Tracing Virtual Reality in Falcor, GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2021. |
Novello, Silva, Velho, Belolipetsky How to see the eight Thurston geometries, Ensaios Matemáticos, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. |
Novello, Silva, Velho, Visualizing Thurston’s Geometries, IMPA. |
Novello, Silva, Velho, Intrinsic Visualization in the Thurston’s Geometries, 33rd Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium. |
Schirmer, Schardong, Silva, Novello, Yukimura, Magalhaes, Paz, Lopes, Velho, Neural Networks for Implicit Representations of 3D Geometry, DOI:, Tutorial, SIBGRAPI 2021. |
Silva, Novello, Lopes, Velho, Proceduray - A light-weight engine for procedural primitive ray tracing, Arxiv. |
Novello, Silva, Velho, Global Illumination of Non-Euclidean Spaces, Computers & Graphics. Preprint. |
Novello, Silva, Velho, Visualization of Nil, Sol, and SL2 geometries, Computers & Graphics. Preprint. |
Velho, Silva, Novello, Immersive Visualization of the Classical Non-Euclidean Spaces using Real-Time Ray Tracing in VR, Graphics Interface 2020. |
Novello, Silva, Velho, Illustrating Mathematics, chapter Video and Virtual Reality, American Mathematical Society. |
Silva, Esperança, Marroquim, OMiCroN – Oblique Multipass Hierarchy Creation while Navigating, Computers & Graphics. Preprint. |
Silva, Esperança, Marroquim, Concomitant Hierarchy Construction and Rendering of Large Point Clouds, SIBGRAPI 2019, Workshop of Theses and Dissertations. |
Velho, Giannella, Lucio, Silva, VR Tour: Guided Participatory Meta-Narrative for Virtual Reality Exploration, Revista Geminis. |
Silva, Esperança, Lazy Work Stealing for Continuous Hierarchy Traversal on Deformable Bodies, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 1: GRAPP. |
Silva, Esperança, Lazy Work Stealing for Continuous Hierarchy Traversal on Deformable Bodies, SIBGRAPI 2014, Workshop of Theses and Dissertations. |
Ray-VRThis project investigates the use of recent capabilities of modern GPUs that implement Ray Tracing in real-time. It combines those features with Virtual Reality to explore new forms of immersive visualization and interaction. One of the objectives is to develop new methods for intuitive exploration of landscapes featuring non-trivial geometry and topology. |
ProcedurayProceduray is an engine for real-time ray tracing of procedural geometry. Its motivation is the current lack of mid-level abstraction tools for scenes with primitives involving intersection shaders. Those scenes impose strict engine design choices, since they need flexibility in the shader table setup. Proceduray aims to provide a fair tradeoff between that flexibility and productivity. It also aims to be didactic. Shader table behaviour can be very confusing because parameters for indexing it come from different parts of a system, involving both host and device code. This is different in essence than ray tracing triangle meshes (which uses a builtin intersection shader for all objects) or rendering with the traditional graphics or compute pipelines. |